10 Reasons to Hire an Accident Attorney
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10 Reasons to Hire an Accident Attorney

If you’ve been in an automobile accident, hiring an accident attorney can be a smart move. Here are ten reasons why:

  1. An accident attorney can help you navigate the legal process. The aftermath of a car accident can be overwhelming, with many different parties involved, including insurance companies and law enforcement. An accident attorney can help you understand your rights and responsibilities, and guide you through the legal process.
  2. An accident attorney can help you get the compensation you deserve. Insurance companies are in the business of making money, and they may not be willing to pay out the full amount you’re entitled to. An accident attorney can help you fight for the compensation you need to cover medical bills, lost wages, and other costs associated with the accident.
  3. An accident attorney can negotiate on your behalf. Insurance companies often try to settle cases quickly and for as little money as possible. An accident attorney can negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf, helping you get the best possible settlement.
  4. An accident attorney can represent you in court, if necessary. If the insurance company refuses to offer a fair settlement, or if the other party involved in the accident disputes your version of events, your accident attorney can represent you in court and fight for your rights.
  5. An accident attorney can provide valuable advice and guidance. An experienced accident attorney can provide valuable advice and guidance on a wide range of issues, from dealing with the insurance company to making sure you get the medical treatment you need.
  6. An accident attorney can investigate the accident and gather evidence. In order to build a strong case, it’s important to have evidence that supports your version of events. An accident attorney can investigate the accident and gather evidence, such as witness statements, accident reports, and photographs, that can help your case.
  7. An accident attorney can protect your rights. The other party involved in the accident, and their insurance company, may try to take advantage of you, especially if you’re not familiar with the legal system. An accident attorney can protect your rights and make sure you’re not taken advantage of.
  8. An accident attorney can handle the paperwork. There are many forms and documents that need to be filled out and filed after an accident, and it can be overwhelming trying to keep track of everything. An accident attorney can handle the paperwork for you, making sure that everything is filed properly and on time.
  9. An accident attorney can provide emotional support. Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident can be emotionally difficult. An accident attorney can provide emotional support and guidance, helping you cope with the stress and anxiety that can come with being in an accident.
  10. An accident attorney can help you avoid common mistakes. There are many pitfalls that people can fall into after an accident, such as giving a recorded statement to the insurance company or accepting a lowball settlement offer. An accident attorney can help you avoid these mistakes and make sure you get the best possible outcome for your case.

In short, hiring an accident attorney can provide valuable support and representation after an automobile accident. If you’ve been in a car accident, don’t hesitate to contact an attorney to discuss your options.

How Long Should You Be Sore After a Car Accident?
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How Long Should You Be Sore After a Car Accident?

After being in a car accident, soreness and pain will be normal, but at what point is it an indication of something more serious being wrong?

Keep reading to find out how typical long soreness from car accident injuries last, and learn about treatment options that help with pain relief.


Car Accident Injuries and Soreness


When you are in a car accident, being sore for several hours or days afterward is normal. If you have lingering pains, you may be curious how long soreness can last. Typically, if the pain lasts more than a few days, it can be a sign of something other than your typical injuries.

Soreness can last for weeks or months after a car accident for serious injuries. Although, usually soreness and pain from a car accident do not typically last over 6 weeks from a small accident or fender bender. If you are feeling discomfort or residual pain after being in a car accident, that’s often a sign of something more serious than simple brushing.

Some people may experience pain for weeks after a car accident, even without serious or lasting injuries. Soreness, bruising, and stiffness can take a while to heal.

Also, there are some injuries that just take longer to heal and have long-term complications. That is why it’s important to get proper treatment and go through physical therapy or rehabilitation for certain injuries.

The Levin Firm says, “These injuries can often result in chronic or recurring pain that persists years after the accident. So, how does this affect a personal injury case? Pain is recognized as a non-economic cost and is often categorized under pain and suffering. What this means is that the law allows you to pursue compensation for the physical pain of an injury. The amount of compensation will vary from case to case.

Unsure If It’s a Serious Injury?

Below are some of the signs to look for more serious injuries that need medical attention:

  • Neck pain radiating outward, painful to turn or move the neck
  • Frequent blurred vision and dizziness
  • Tingling or numbness anywhere that does not go away
  • Back pains, issues with turning, twisting or crouching down


The following are a few of the most common car accident injuries. If you experience lingering soreness or constant pains in any of these areas, it can be an indication of a more serious injury that needs physical therapy or chiropractic rehabilitation.

Back Injuries

After a car accident, back injuries are extremely common. The quick jerking motions experienced in a collision can cause various types of back injuries, making it hard to twist or move because of soreness and pain. A back injury is a common result of being in a car accident.

Neck Injuries and Whiplash

Another very common injury is whiplash and neck injuries caused by car accidents. The rapid jerking results in spinal vertebrae within the neck to get injured, causing soreness and pain when twisting or moving the neck. Chiropractic care can help relieve the soreness from whiplash.

Head Injuries

When a car accident occurs, everyone involved, including passengers, is at risk of a head injury. A head injury can be simple, like a bruise or cut, or a concussion, or it could be a major traumatic brain injury such as swelling or bleeding.

Internal Injuries

A seat belt will protect you in a car accident, but wearing it incorrectly can result in internal injuries. Some of the damages caused in a car accident may include bruising and broken ribs, and the risks increase when the seatbelt is worn incorrectly.

Spinal Cord Injuries

When a car accident happens, the fast change in direction or sudden stop can push or twist spinal discs and vertebrae out of natural alignment. In some cases, it can be fractured or cause other spinal injuries. If you suspect a back injury, careful movement, a back brace, and x-rays should be the main focus.

Insurance & Details Overwhelming?

Medical care, after being involved in a car accident, is important. If you are still waiting on the car insurance of another party or your own medical insurance, it can be hard to cover costs. These things often create more stress from an already stressful situation.

Having the proper car insurance and medical coverage helps pay medical costs due to being injured in a car accident. It will cover you and others in the car no matter who’s found at fault.

Get Injuries Treated and Recover

After an auto accident, you should schedule an appointment for a thorough examination, which will likely include diagnostic testing and x-rays. Medical consultations assist your physical therapist or chiropractor figure if your soreness and pain are caused by the car accident injury or a symptom of another injury or complication.

Many doctors will simply prescribe medications or suggest surgery for chronic or lingering pain; there are alternative options that could offer natural pain relief and avoiding addictive opioids or invasive surgeries.

Rehabilitation After Car Accident


Physical Therapy


If you have a lasting injury from being in a car accident, your doctor may recommend physical therapy to help regain use of the injured area. Depending on the injury, you may receive full functionality back or partial. However, physical therapy provides the best chance of obtaining optimal functionality back.

In some cases, you may need to combine both physical therapy and chiropractic care. These treatments complement the other. Chiropractic care helps align the body to be more effective, while physical therapy strengthens the muscles.


Massage Therapy

Professional massage therapy can assist in reducing anxiety and overall stress. Many chiropractic care treatments suggest combining massage therapy with your treatment. Massage therapy is helpful for back and neck pain sustained from a car accident. It also helps with plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and various musculoskeletal conditions.


Rehabilitating Exercises

If you have been injured in a car accident with lasting soreness or pain, you may need physical therapy, chiropractic care, massage therapy, or a combination of these. Additionally, traditional methods are suggested, as well. Remember to follow the RICE method: Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate.

If something hurts, it needs rest. Avoid using that area of the body; apply ice to the area and keep it elevated to reduce the risk of further damage. A customized rehabilitation exercise routine may help provide optimal functionality and movement, slowly allowing you to the injured area again without strain.


How Long Should You Be Sore After A Car Accident?

Personal Injury Case Checklist
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Personal Injury Case Checklist [Infographic]

Suppose you have been harmed by the negligence of another. In that case, filing a claim for personal injury is usually the best (and sometimes only) way you will receive compensation. While most of the personal injury cases are straightforward, it doesn’t mean that you will be getting a straightforward and fair settlement.

As a matter of fact, even if it appears to be a cut and dry case, there are several things you must do and evidence to present. Here is a personal injury checklist:

1. Medical Records

When you are trying to prove the extent of the injury you sustain, you need to present copies of any and all medical records (even before the accident) to prove that the injury resulted from the accident and not a pre-existing condition.

2. Medical Bills

On top of medical records, you want to show the medical bills that have resulted from the injury. This is the only way you will get compensation for these expenses. This is a must when you are presenting evidence.

3. Eyewitness Testimony

The statements of any witnesses of the accident are invaluable to the claim. Make sure you get these if you are able.

4. Police Reports

This is an essential part of any accident process, especially motor vehicle involved accidents. Police reports are more than a step to take; they are evidence that can be referred to to substantiate the events, those involved, those at fault, the extent of any injuries, and more.

5. Pay Stubs

Make sure you present pay stubs from before and after the accident. This will show how the accident affected your income as a result of an injury that was suffered.

6. Experts’ Opinions

Experts can provide insight into the accident and who was at fault. They also determine the extent of injuries, the value of damages, and more. Forensic experts, financial professionals, accident reconstruction experts, and medical examiners are familiar hired experts.

7. Photographs

Photographs are invaluable to any accident claim. You can provide photos of injuries and/or damages that were incurred by accident. Before and after photos are useful as well. Take photos of the accident scene, and factors that may have caused it, and damages caused by it.

8. Talking To A Lawyer

After you have completed gathering the evidence and taking these steps from our checklist, you must consult an attorney. They can guide you through the claims process and ensure that you get fair due compensation. A skilled lawyer is a valuable asset as you pursue a settlement of a claim that you have been injured in.

How to Find a Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me?

An easy way to find a personal injury lawyer near you is searching Google for “personal injury lawyers near me”. This will provide a list of results of personal injury lawyers in your area, including their information and website.


Personal injury case checklist

Do I Have A Personal Injury Case?
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Do I Have A Personal Injury Case?

When you are injured in a car accident at the fault of another, you may have a good personal injury case. However, accidents that result in injuries do not always mean you have a successful case. How do you know if you have a personal injury case that will be successful?

According to BB&G.com, to receive monetary compensation for a personal injury, you will need to prove three things. Below are the three things you must show to have a successful personal injury case.


Do I Have A Personal Injury Case?

Accident attorneys will ask you several questions during consultation to determine the strength of your case. These questions are focused on determining if there are compensatory damages. The following are three basic things needed for a successful case. If you cannot prove all three areas, you may not have a solid case.


1.      Negligence


You must prove that the party responsible was negligent. For example, if the driver of a car ignored a red light and hit the victim, the law would find the driver negligent.


2.      The Negligence Caused Bodily Harm


If the victim of the above scenario was injured in the car accident. For example, if you sustained whiplash, a broken arm, broken leg, impaled, or other types of personal injuries during the accident. These would be considered personal injuries caused by the other driver’s negligence.


3.      Compensatory Damages


You must prove sustained personal injuries fall under compensatory damages. For example, if you sustained a broken bone or another injury that required medical attention. Personal injuries with compensatory damages include personal injuries resulting in medical bills, lost wages due to recovery time, and/or pain and suffering for on-going symptoms.

Compensatory damages refer to damages that may be compensated by the responsible party. Personal injury refers to bodily damages/harm sustained from an accident.


Are you looking for an accident attorney near you after a car accident? Browse our online directory of accident attorneys by state, read profiles, and get directions to accident attorneys near your location.


Do I Have A Personal Injury Case

How Much Do You Get For Pain And Suffering?
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How Much Do You Get For Pain And Suffering?

If you have been in an accident, then you may be wondering about how much you should ask for when it comes to pain and suffering. The answer is that it will depend on your injuries and how severe your accident had been.

It is always best to talk to an attorney and get professional opinions on how much you would get for your pain and suffering. But, there are some shortcuts that you may use to get a general idea of what you should expect.


Do You Qualify For Pain and Suffering When Filing Car Accident Claims?

Pain and suffering is just a generalized term. In the court system, these get called general damages. They are non-financial losses that you had, which means physical pain to emotional pain. Permanent injuries, the inability to work, and disabilities are losses that would count under pain and suffering.

If you have losses beyond the price of your medical bills and you lost out on paychecks, you may qualify for pain and suffering.

How much should you ask for when it comes to pain and suffering?

It is hard to develop a set amount to pay because pain and suffering do not depend on financial losses. However, most insurance companies have a formula that allows them to try to develop an amount.

There are three parts to this formula:

  1. It starts at the amount that you are owed. That means that after your car repairs, medical costs, and other types of hard costs. That is the easiest part.
  2. Next, your situation will be rated based on severity. If it sounds hard, then you are right. It is also subjective. However, there is some logic behind this step. For instance, if you have had pain for a couple of months, but after your accident, living pain is much worse. And if you are left paralyzed, then it is much worse. Your suffering gets rated on the severity, and a number between 1 and 5 gets assigned to your suffering.
  3. Lastly, your hard costs get multiplied by your rating. For instance, if you had $60,000 in hard costs and your suffering was a 4, then the pain and suffering damages you get would be close to $240,000 ($60,000 x 4 = $240,000).

However, this system is not perfect, but it does work. Those who suffer most will get paid a lot more money. However, your case still has to be proved. Unfortunately, pain and suffering damages get undervalued by most insurance companies. It is because of this that it is best to get an accident attorney.

Getting a good attorney can make a huge difference in how much money you will recover for your pain and suffering. The truth is that this money does matter because it gets used to help you build up your life after a severe car accident. In most cases, pain and suffering is a majority of what you are getting, and it can go beyond $1 million. Do not let yourself get shortchanged by the insurance companies.

Is It Worth Hiring Personal Injury Attorneys
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Is It Worth Hiring Personal Injury Attorneys?

Have you been injured in an auto accident due to another person’s reckless driving? You could be entitled to compensation for damages and injuries, and having a personal injury attorney can help.

People often attempt to settle injury claims without a personal injury lawyer, but having one on your side can be an asset when insurance companies try to stall.


5 Ways A Personal Injury Attorney Can Help


  1. Leveling the Playing Field

Auto accident attorneys and personal injury lawyers can help give you a level playing field when it comes to getting a response back from insurance companies and claim adjusters. A claim adjuster is trained to use various tactics aimed at delaying, limiting or even denying compensation amounts received.

An experienced personal injury lawyer will know the strategies they use and be able to prevent manipulation while ensuring you get the compensation you deserve.


  1. Personal Injury Attorneys Handle Details

Another helpful benefit of having a personal injury attorney is in the details. Because of the complex nature of insurance claims, personal injury lawyers handle all the small details for you, saving you time and ensuring all the evidence is provided to build a strong case.

For instance, they will handle retrieving and handling accident reports, medical records, witness statements, and pictures between all involved parties. They will collect all the needed information that can be difficult for you to gather on your own during recovery.

Finally, experienced personal injury lawyers have the knowledge and experience in building solid claims and cases against the individual at fault, in addition to doing all the leg work so you are able to focus on resting and healing.


  1. Personal Injury Lawyers Know What Your Injuries Are Worth

When insurance companies find out the claimant has hired a personal injury attorney, they know the injured party is serious about their case. This will increase the chance of being offered a fair amount in a timely fashion, compared to getting the runaround and lowball numbers.


  1. Experienced Attorneys Eliminate Error

When you attempt to handle a case on your own, especially with all the fine details, there is a high risk of errors. This can be simple as a small detail being overlooked or stating something the wrong way and insurance companies using that against you to get out of paying a fair amount or possibly denying your claim.

Deadlines are another important factor when handling injury cases, which can be hard to keep up with if you are still healing. By hiring a personal injury attorney near you, these are things you do not have to worry about.


  1. Only Pay If You Win

You will find most personal injury lawyers accept cases based on a contingency fee model. This means, they only get paid if they obtain a settlement or verdict on your case. That eliminates upfront fees, there are no retainers or other expenses.

If a personal injury attorney accepts your case, they are taking on all the risks.


5 Ways A Personal Injury Attorney Can Help


What Does A Personal Injury Lawyer Do?

Personal injury lawyers represent clients in legal cases where reports of physical or psychological injury have occurred. Injury may be the result of negligence by a company, person, government agency, or other entity. The area of law a personal injury lawyer practices is known as tort law.


When To Contact A Personal Injury Lawyer?

Although a personal injury lawyer can help in many cases, not all situations require doing so. Below are some scenarios you may want to reach out to a personal injury attorney near you:

  • Auto accidents that caused serious injury or death.
  • The accident caused a temporary or permanent disability
  • You or a family member have emotional trauma after sustaining injuries.
  • You are not sure what the full extent of losses are.
  • Lost wages due to missed work from your injuries.
  • Concerns over insurance settlement offer not covering all medical costs.

You will find most personal injury attorneys provide free consultations. If you have any concerns about an auto accident or other type of personal injury case, do not hesitate to call an attorney near you.

How to Choose A Personal Injury Lawyer?

You should not count on advertisements alone to choose a personal injury lawyer near you. Lawyers are supposed to be on your side, but some will simply try to settle cases quickly and accept any offer by the insurance company. These types of law firms profit off a fast turnover and high volume.

Find reviews of past clients when looking to choose a personal injury lawyer. That is the best way to find an experienced lawyer that will be on your side, and not a law firm looking for quick turnover rates.


How to Talk to Personal Injury Attorneys?

When meeting with a lawyer for the first time, knowing how to talk to a personal injury attorney will be useful. According to Enjuris, there are a few things to keep in mind when meeting your attorney.

Know your narrative: On the first visit, the attorney will be trying to determine if they can build a strong enough case against you.

Be honest: If you withhold vital information it can hinder your case later, or prevent you from having a case from the start. Be honest and upfront, chances are the truth will come out later and only hurt your case.

Stay calm: You do not want to spend the free consultation crying or complaining about the situation. They know you’re there because of a negative event that occurred, but are not licensed or trained to be therapeutic.

Ask questions: If you are unclear about anything, now is the time to ask for clarification.


How to Find a Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me?

An easy way to find a personal injury lawyer near you is searching Google for “personal injury lawyers near me in Phoenix”. This will provide a list of results of personal injury lawyers in your area, including their information and website.